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Policies and Certifications

我们的政策和认证反映了我们对环境的承诺, 经济和社会可持续性. 当涉及到我们的业务时,我们努力达到最高标准, employees, customers and environment.

Our Management Policies


足彩外围网站 is committed to operating responsibly and addressing the concerns and needs of our stakeholders. Our commitment to sustainability and acting as a responsible corporate citizen is rooted in our heritage and based on our Core Values of Integrity, Financial Discipline, Mutual Respect, Customer Focus, 环保责任, and Social Responsibility. 我们按照这些价值观经营我们的业务, and we contribute to the health and well-being of millions of people by using plant-based fibers to create engineered materials that impact and enhance everyday lives. Download our Sustainability Policy.


我们对环境的关心指导着我们所做的一切. We;

  • Empower employees to take personal responsibility for awareness and control of environmental issues on the job
  • Comply with environmental laws and regulations and voluntary principles to which we subscribe
  • 有效利用自然资源,防止污染, reducing waste, 鼓励循环再造, 并减少其经营活动可能对环境造成的不利影响
  • Maintain and continually improve an environmental management system with the goal of improving environmental performance
  • 从可持续管理的来源购买木材和天然纤维
  • Consider a company’s environmental management practices as part of our due diligence process when assessing mergers and acquisitions

Learn About the 桑塔拉阿斯图里亚斯节能项目

Health and Safety

健康和安全是我们诚信的核心价值观, 尊重同事和社会责任. 我们履行我们的承诺:

  • Providing a workplace committed to the prevention of injury and ill health for all people at all sites
  • Involving all employees at every level of our organization in all aspects of our safety and health programs
  • 确保组织中所有层次的人都知道, and recognize the value of their personal responsibilities for health and safety compliance and performance
  • 确保安全和健康计划符合适用法律, 所有地点的法规和其他要求
  • Developing and implementing a health and safety management system rooted in the principle of continuous improvement of safety performance


Our quality, hygiene and product safety management systems not only regulate and monitor the conformity of our products, 还要确保正确定义和维护控件. We maintain good manufacturing practices in order to meet all customer and legal requirements. Our prevention programs are integrated to make sure we exercise all due diligence so that our products meet the required standards.

Human Rights

足彩外围网站 believes that respect for human rights and ethical business conduct are fundamental to doing sustainable, 对社会负责的企业遍布全球. We recognize international principles of human rights as expressed in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and by the International Labour Organization (ILO). Download our Human Rights Policy.



Brand Reputation through Compliance Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials ensures food safety and quality requirements for packaging manufacturers are met.

EN 15593

EN 15593 is an internationally recognized standard for hygiene management in the food packaging industry. 它规定了食品包装制造商和供应商的要求, 包括储存和运输.

Food Contact Certificate

ISEGA serves in the fields of material and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs.


FSC® C146914;  FSC® C101840;
FSC® C044059; FSC® C041205;

森林管理委员会® 促进世界森林的负责任管理.


GOTS是全球领先的有机纤维纺织加工标准, 包括生态和社会标准, 由整个纺织供应链的独立认证支持.


危害分析和关键控制点是美国环保局采用的一个系统.S. 美国农业部和美国农业部.S. 食品药品监督管理局确保食品程序和产品的安全.

AHF Halal

AHF Halal, 意思是“合法的”或“允许的”,” indicates which life practices are allowed or not allowed for those who practice Islam (Muslims).

HCS Halal

HCS清真保证体系(HAS), in line with ISO 17065, has been established to assist organizations in adopting the practice in compliance with the Halal requirements.

ISO 9001

Requirements for a quality management system for an organization to consistently provide products that meet customer and statutory and regulatory requirements. 旨在通过系统的有效应用提高客户满意度.

ISO 14001

Requirements for an environmental management system for an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal and other requirements, 以及重要的环境方面的信息.

ISO 22000

帮助组织识别和控制食品安全危害. 适用于各种类型的生产者, ISO 22000为全球食品供应链提供了一层保证.

ISO 22716 GMP

ISO 22716:2007给出了生产指南, control, 化妆品的储存和运输.

ISO 45001

建立在该领域早期国际标准的成功基础上,如OHSAS 18001. Provides a framework of requirements for organizations to develop and implement a policy and objectives for improving employee safety, 减少工作场所风险,创造更好, safer working conditions.

ISO 50001

Provides a framework of requirements for organizations to develop and implement a policy and objectives surrounding energy management.

KF Kosher

KF Kosher认证保证您的产品的来源. KF Kosher certifies products across 27 countries in five continents and are recognized by the leading Rabbinical authorities in Israel, USA, and Europe.

KLBD Kosher

KLBD认证是一项重要的洁食认证, 提供质量保证,提高市场竞争力. 一个多世纪以来,KLBD一直是Kosher认证的领导力量.


所有类型的纺织品都经过有害物质检测, 从纱线到成品都可以贴上STANDARD 100产品标签.


The OK biodegradable SOIL label is a guarantee a product will completely biodegrade in the soil without adversely affecting the environment.

OK Compost Home

TÜV AUSTRIA’s OK compost HOME guarantees complete biodegradability in the light of specific requirements, 甚至在你花园的堆肥堆里.

OK Compost Industrial

Packaging or products featuring the OK compost INDUSTRIAL label are guaranteed as biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. 


PEFC 04-31-1475;  PEFC 04-31-2118;
PEFC 04-31-2499; PEFC 29-44-04;
PEFC 10-31-2482

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes provides assurance that wood and natural fibers come from ecologically, 社会和经济上可持续的森林.


The Rainforest Alliance is creating a more sustainable world by protecting nature and improving the lives of farmers and forest communities.


与OK堆肥工业和苗木标志, 可堆肥产品可以得到整个欧洲市场的认可.


可持续林业倡议® 确保木材和天然纤维产品来自管理良好的森林.


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Consumers rely on 足彩外围网站 for everything from their morning coffee to personal care products. 浏览我们的工程材料在各种应用.

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Suite 600
Charlotte, NC 28209 U.S.A.


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